All venues will have drinks for purchase, and most will have light snack and appetizer options. Please note that Belly Up and The Wheeler Opera House are two venues that will not be serving food.
All the venues are indoors, however weather will affect your commute between shows. The event is in the High Rockies of Colorado in the summer time. Thunderstorms and drastic weather changes are known to occur quickly. The temperatures also drop significantly during the evenings. Please make sure to bring layers and dress appropriately for your walks to and from venues.
Each venue will have a different seating plan. Some will include bistro style and high-top tables and seating, some will have rows of chairs near the stage and some will have standing room only sections. All venues will include at least one style of seating option, though at some venues seating is limited and first come first serve. Certain venues will have room for dancing and will be programmed with danceable music accordingly.