There are many reasons to join the JAS National Council but here are our Top 10 Favorites:
- Supporting Local Music Education Assistance Programs – from our Pays to Play program that funds 3 hours of private lessons for all local students to our In School Faculty Assistance program that pays professional musicians to come help teach music classes, your support helps our young musicians get additional TLC!
JAS Student Bella Nevin and GSMS Band Teacher Chane Smith practice clarinet at Bella’s Pays to Play lessons!
- Reserved Seats at JAS Café – come to one of our JAS Cafe shows and we’ll save you and your friends a seat!

JAS Cafe’, Christian McBride, Benny Green,& Russell Malone, Aspen Art Museum, Aug. 18, 2018.
- Access to JAS National Council Double Decker Tent at Labor Day – access to a bar with premier spirits, delicious catering and the best view at the entire venue!
The view from the new JAS Double Decker National Council tent during the Labor Day Experience 2018.
- Supporting and funding the JAS Academy – Recently revived your funding helps us bring up to 20 college level jazz students from all across the country to Aspen, CO to study and play with Grammy Winning Christian McBride and other jazz masters – at no cost to them!

JAS Academy, Class, Aug. 14, 2018
Christian McBride directs 21 JAS Academy students in a big band during the 2018 JAS Academy in August
- Invitations to all JAS National Council Patron Parties – Winter and Summer, Labor Day Kick Off

National Council Party, July 24, 2018
The crowd during a July 2018 National Council party at the Stolper Residence in Aspen.
- Helping supply instruments in the schools and for students – Your support helps us get more working instruments into schools and through our Step Up Program professional grade instruments to students looking to take their musical skills to the next level!
Noah Rowe-Gaddis receiving his brand new sax thanks the JAS Step-Up Program during a performance Dec 2017
- Premium seating at JAS June and Labor Day Experiences
Patrons enjoy front row seating during one of our June Experience performances
- Listing in all JAS programs and publications
- Tax Deductions
- And MOST IMPORTANTLY: Keeping the music playing and changing the lives of local Roaring Fork Valley kids!

JAS Jazz in Schools,Student Showcase, May 2, 2018
Students from the Coal Ridge High School Jazz Band perform during the May 2018 Student Showcase

JAS Jazz in Schools,Student Showcase, May 2, 2018
Students from the Basalt High School Street Horns play a lively cover during the May 2018 Student Showcase

JAS Jazz in Schools,Student Showcase, May 2, 2018
The Rifle High School Jazz Band get silly after they killed their performance at the May 2018 Student Showcase
Sign up before 1/1/19 and save! Click here learn more about JAS National Council!
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