#JASGuess – Enter Now for Your Chance to Win!

JAS Labor Day Experience announcements are just around the corner and we are SOOOO EXCITED to share! But before we do, here is your chance to take a wild guess, a #JASGUESS that is!! Post pictures or the names of artists you think may be on this years line-up to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with

2020-07-29T07:08:40-06:00July 29th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

JAS Labor Day Experience Postponed & Rescheduled to 2021

With the ongoing unpredictability surrounding the COVD-19 pandemic, in accordance with state and county guidance on large gatherings, and in consultation with local public health officials and myriad leaders of important local organizations, Jazz Aspen Snowmass (JAS) will be postponing and re-scheduling the 2020 Labor Day Experience to Sept. 3-5, 2021. The health and

2020-07-29T06:49:20-06:00July 29th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

Outside Music Lounge & D’Angelico Stage Acts Just Announced

Outside Music Lounge & D'Angelico Stage Acts Just Announced Keep the music playing throughout your entire day at the JAS Labor Day Experience and join us in the JAS Village for performances in between the main stage acts. Start off at the D'Angelico Guitar Stage where JAS student musicians will be rocking out on a

2020-02-17T09:04:45-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

NEW JAS Experience Daily Happy Hour in the Village

NEW JAS Experience Daily Happy Hour in the Village JOIN US FOR THE CORONA PREMIER HAPPY HOUR IN THE JAS VILLAGE $3 Beers, Food Specials, Merch Deals & more!! It pays to be early! JAS will once again open general admission gates an hour early this year allowing attendees access to the JAS Village

2020-02-17T09:01:34-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

Keeping JAS Green!

Keeping JAS Green! KEEPING JAS GREEN! Jazz Aspen Snowmass is committed to building a sustainable future by working with our partners and patrons to work towards a minimal waste event. azz Aspen Snowmass is committed to building a sustainable future by working with our partners and patrons to work towards a minimal waste event.

2020-02-17T08:57:54-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

What Not to Miss Labor Day Weekend!

What Not to Miss Labor Day Weekend! CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE VERSION OF MAP Where to Eat, What to Do! The JAS Village is the place to be for food, shopping & fun, especially during our new daily Happy Hour (details here). See a few more highlights below & see below for a full

2020-02-17T08:53:32-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

How To Do The JAS Labor Day Experience

How To Do The JAS Labor Day Experience Click here for a printable version of below   Looking for more info, visit our FAQ page here. Buses & Shuttles Shuttles run continuously beginning one hour before gates open (3pm Friday, 12pm Saturday/Sunday) through the close of the festival from: Ruby Park in Aspen, the Brush Creek

2020-02-17T08:51:17-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|

Silent Disco After Party!

Keep the party going after John Mayer's performance on Saturday, August 31st at the JAS/Jake Foerster Music & Arts Fund (JFMAF) Silent Disco Party! Let the crowds disperse while you dance the night away to music from three DJs in the Outside Music Lounge to music by DJ Ronnie, DJ Knutty Bird & DJ Matt

2020-02-17T08:49:01-07:00February 17th, 2020|ALL, Labor Day|
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