• For the security of everyone at Jazz Aspen Snowmass all people and vehicles on festival grounds are subject to a full body pat-down and magnetometer screening before entry. If you would like to be screened by security personnel of your same gender, please let security personnel know prior to the search process. Screening
• STAY CALM! There are teams available to help and plans are in place in case of an emergency. Keep you and others around you calm and listen to any instructions given to you by and emergency responder or security officer. • Follow the emergency exit signs. Please take a moment to review the
• IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Whether it’s someone looking ill, an unruly guest, or something that seems suspicious – Grab the nearest police officer, security or staff member for immediate assistance! • Take a moment to look over the map, locate all the medical tents and emergency exits so you know the
• Have a list of contact information, allergies and medication on your person in case our emergency team needs to know! • Mother Nature can be unpredictable! Though we will be monitoring the weather at all times, to prepare, it’s important that you check the weather right before leaving for the event. This way
PROHIBITED ITEMS LIST No outside drinks or liquid of any kind (one empty clear plastic water bottle permitted) No weapons of any kind including pocketknives, pepper spray, or any objects that could be used as a weapon. No fireworks, sparklers, or smoke bombs No coolers or generators No megaphones, air horns, musical instruments, or
Yes. All bags will be searched as you enter the festival grounds. NEW FOR 2024: As an additional safety precaution, as well as a way to help alleviate lines at check-in, JAS will be implementing a new clear bag policy at the 2024Â event. Only clear bags will be allowed into the event. JAS will
All lost items will be turned into the Snowmass Village Police Department. You can call their office directly at (970) 923-5330 to retrieve lost items.
Yes, in designated smoking areas. Again, please be respectful of others around you when choosing to smoke tobacco.